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Mortgage News Daily - Mortgage And Real Estate News

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Reaching Your 7-Figure Dream?

How Does An Ordinary Person
With An Ordinary Income,
Reach Their Seven-Figure Dreams?

First, They Own Their Own Home!

by Beryl Gosney,
Preview Properties Inc.

Do you know, 69% of Americans in this
country already have met the prerequisite
to becoming a millionaire! YOU
have what it takes to be eligible! Yes YOU!

Amazing as it may sound, your town, your
district, has ordinary folk from all walks of
life who are millionaires! Everyday people
you live and work with. Some you know
and most you don't.

Perhaps the biggest difference between
them and anyone else; they had a plan,
they had the knowledge, they could
make a decision, and they knew how
and when to ACT!

Anyone else, on the other hand, mostly likely have the first two factors in place, but when
it comes time to make a decision and ACT, that is where most of us fall short.

Look at the steps again:


As a real estate agent, I have spent over a decade reading all the books about
getting results, building wealth, enjoying success...perhaps you've read them also!

Folks, this phenominal topic sounds far reaching for most of us. But we sure can
dream, can't we?

Just like dieting, we try them all, but, do we get results?

Oh yes we say, "we tried"...but I ask, did we really, or did we try to alter the rules,
did we fudge, did we try to do it our own way?

Being the creatures that we are, we are all in denial and will never admit, it was our
fault for not reaching the goals we set for ourselves. Again, we are in denial folks!

Those of us who get over the hump, be it dieting or building financial wealth, both
have something in common. We become students and later experts on the subject!

We dream -- but do we often fail to make
the final decision and then ACT on it?

But you know what --- when it comes to the subject of becoming a millionaire, we've
made it too hard on ourselves! We fail to see ourselves with this lifestyle. We are
masters at finding why something cannot be done, than we are positive
thinkers, and say, "why not".

"The Keys to Success
are merely repetitive steps
someone else has already taken!"
--Beryl Gosney

So where do we go from here...?

Well, an associate lender friend of mine in Skagit County made mention of a guy who wrote a book that
he said, sounds much like what I have been advocating on my websites over the years.

So I bought his book. And you know what. I was absolutely shocked how much this guy and I thought
alike. The difference is, he wrote a book and told the world about it. He was at the right place at the
right time. He made the right decisions and he ACTED. Sound familiar?

Well rather than re-inventing the wheel and writing another HOW TO BOOK, I decided to go on this
campaign and share the works of this author, David Bach, with as many of my friends and clients as
I could.

Without further to do,
take a few minutes more and
review something that has
changed my life forever
and can for you as well!


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