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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Real Estate Newsletter


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Each quarter of the year, clients in our database, receive our "Real Estate Newsletter" ---

Whether you are a first time home buyer, currently renting, or someone who has made a purchase already, as a visitor to one of my  websites, you are a subscriber who will automatically receive the newsletter at the beginning of each quarter.

The newsletter is Beryl's way of keeping his clients totally informed about homeownership.  He recognizes how much there is to maintaining a home and therefore thought the newsletter and his periodic email system would serve as a great reminder and an excellent resource for home maintenance and home improvement projects a homeowner may be interested in.

Your feedback is greatly, and I mean GREATLY appreciated.  Beryl would love to hear from you about the information he passes on. 

Here are links to current, past, and future newsletter editions:

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Beryl Gosney
Preview Properties Inc.

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Sponsored by: Beryl Gosney & Associates
Preview Properties Inc.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006

From Beryl Gosney - the Ultimate Home Search Website


Take Care & GOD BLESS!


Monday, August 07, 2006

Prices have not slowed, rising 4.1% in past 30 days!

Every homeowner in North Everett is making a remarkable Return on Investment (ROI).

As you can see below, the sample North Everett home below went up in value 4.1% just in the past 30 days alone!

As winter approaches that should dip down to about 1.5% at the most. But we've been wrong before.

Have you looked at your 2007 statement? Mine went up 22%. And, that stands to reason since the property values went up nearly that much last year in the area.

The biggest concern for all homeowners will be the 2007 Property Taxes! We've all got the same problem.

This home at $329,702 is valued higher than:
78 % of homes in 98201 ZIP code $258,642
68 % of homes in EVERETT $293,327
53 % of homes in Snohomish County $321,684
58 % of homes in WA state $294,131
60% of homes in United States $266,063

Historical Value Trends display options
Historical Value Trends Show as: 
Past: This home 98201 EVERETT Snohomish WA US
30 days 4.1% 2.6% 3.2% 2.4% 1.9% 1.0%
1 year 15.8% 18.8% 19.2% 19.7% 18.2% 6.4%
5 years 62.8% 67.0% 63.3% 64.9% 70.3% 86.3%
10 years 131.0% 124.1% 127.8% 129.4% 130.9% 112.1%
Since last sale (09/16/1994) -- -- -- -- -- --

Friday, August 04, 2006

About High-Tech Employment

According to the Puget Sound Regional Council, high-tech employment in the central Puget Sound region peaked in late 2000 – estimated at 154,000 jobs as of March 2001.
Between 1995 and 2001, the region gained over 60,000 high-tech jobs at a rate of 8.8 percent.
Between 2001 and 2003, however, the region experienced a decline of about 22,000 jobs or 7.5 percent.
The most recent information shows that high-tech employment stabilized from 2003 to 2004, with a slight net addition of over 1,000 jobs.
Overall, the region gained 40,000 high-tech jobs (or 4.1 percent) since 1995, and is beginning to recapture the jobs lost between 2001 and 2003.
Software had the largest gains in employment between 1995 and 2004, with an increase of more than 22,000. The Software sector has consistently held the largest share of high-tech employment in the region.
More information about high-tech jobs is available online at Detailed employment estimates for the central Puget Sound region are available at
Take Care & GOD Bless!
"a leading agent on Internet"

Serving 8 Western Washington counties.
From Olympia to Bellingham and all cities in between.

Single Family Homes rise 48% in 2 years in King County

Since January 2004, the median price for single-family homes in King County has increased 48.4%, and condominiums have risen 35.1%.  
Snohomish County saw 19.7% increase in 2005 and right now we are sitting at 19.4% so far this year --- If the year continues in this way, Snohomish County will record a 39.1% increase in 2 years!
Something to think about, it won't be long before Flyers start showing up in our mailboxes, showing us how we all can refinance to pay our taxes!
Take Care & GOD Bless!
"a leading agent on Internet"

Serving 8 Western Washington counties.
From Olympia to Bellingham and all cities in between.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Value Of Your Home Has Increased Dramatically The Past 18 Months!

A property valued at $225,000 during the summer of 2005, is now approaching $275,000 --- a $300,000 property in summer 2005 is close to $370,000 today! Folks, this in less than one year!

As the resident real estate specialist who lives and works in Zipcode 98201, I would be happy to provide you an evaluation so you can see for yourself.

My Home Evaluations are FREE. Click Here, fill out the form, and I'll get you the results in 24-48 hours.

In the meantime, visit my website at

If you are a VETERAN and/or an active duty member of the military, pay a visit to my military website at

Take Care & GOD Bless!


"a leading agent on Internet"

Serving 8 Western Washington counties.
From Olympia to Bellingham and all cities in between.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Congratulations to the Riverside Neighborhood Association!

A huge thank you to the outgoing board members of the Riverside Neigboirhood Association for all your hard work, tireless effort, loyalty, and dedication to your non-stop tenure.

We're sure the average citizen of this community has no idea of the time you folks have put in to make the Riverside District one the most, if not the most pro-active neighborhood districts in the City of Everett.

Folks, with the new board having just been elected in June, some exciting things have come down the pike, and there are more things to address on the horizon.

Are you aware, what the association addresses generally has a large impact on such things as your property taxes, on the value of your individual residence, the safety of your community, the astetic appearance of our neighboorhood and how others view it, and certainly our lifestyles are affected by the results of the associations work.

See Democracy at work; as we liaison with the State, with the City of Everett, the County --- to enrich all our lives and the community in which we live!

General Meetings

7:00 PM
Second Tuesday of the Month
School Library
North Middle School
Locared on Rainier Ave
(behind the QFC Store)

Be sure to visit the associations website at: